Terms And Condition

The terms “we”, “us”, “our” “Sara International Travel” and “SIT” refer to Sara International Travel Inc., a New York corporation, its subsidiaries and affiliates. The terms “you” or “your” refer to the customer visiting the Website (hereinafter defined) and/or booking a reservation either through us on the Website or through our customer service agents. The term “Website” refers to the Sara International Travel website. The term “Agreement” or “Terms & Conditions” refers to all the terms, conditions, and notices set forth herein. By booking any travel products or services, or accessing or using the Website or promotional materials in any manner you agree to be bound by this Agreement. Please read this Agreement carefully. If you do not accept all of these Terms & Conditions, please do not make bookings through our customer service agents or through the Website, and please do not use the Website. Be sure to return to the Website periodically to review the most current version of this Agreement. We reserve the right at any time, in our sole discretion, to change or otherwise modify this Agreement without prior notice, and your continued access or use of our services or the Website signifies your acceptance of the updated or modified Agreement.

1. SIT Services. SIT is a private company. SIT is not associated with any United States or foreign government offices or embassies (collectively with all other governmental organizations, “Governmental Agencies”). SIT is not responsible for the granting or denying of documents. SIT acts only as a “Booking Agent” for the travelers in making arrangements for services and products provided by third parties, such as airlines, hotels, meals, tours, buses or other transportation suppliers in connection with SIT’s travel packages (hereinafter “Service Providers”).Our Website and marketing material displays information about travel locations, airfares, travel agent locations, flight times and dates, tours, packages, insurance, cruises, transportation, foreign currency, schedules, travel companies and many other things, as a convenience to you. Although SIT uses best efforts to ensure the information supplied to SIT by the Service Providers is correct and up to date, you agree that SIT is not liable for the accuracy of such information. Many of the services and products which made up your travel booking are provided by Service Providers, and as such, you will be entering into a separate contract with these Service Providers for said services and products. Service Providers provide their services in accordance with their own terms and conditions. Some of those terms and conditions may limit or exclude the supplier’s liability to you. We suggest that you review any such terms and conditions by those Service Providers.SIT accepts no responsibility for information supplied or representations made to us by third parties including the Service Providers. SIT recommends that you confirm all information contained on or linked from our Website with the Service Providers. The details of the prices, packages, tours, flights and other information displayed on the Website are subject to change without notice. Post-purchase price increases may also be applied due to additional costs imposed by any Service Provider or Governmental Agency. You may be charged additional sums by SIT to offset increased fees, fuel surcharges, taxes, and fluctuations in foreign exchange markets or any combination thereof. Acceptance of these Terms & Conditions hereby grants consent from you for any post-purchase price increases, and authorizes SIT to charge your credit card for such additional amounts without need for further consent or approval from you. The travel products and services described on the Website are subject to availability. It should be noted that all documents issued to travelers are non-transferable. Such documents may include but are not limited to, visas, airline tickets, hotel vouchers, tour vouchers, or any other document used to confirm an arrangement with a Service Provider. Such documents may also be subject to conditions such as, but not limited to, being non-refundable, non-date-changeable and subject to cancellation or amendment fees. It is your responsibility to familiarize yourself with these conditions. If for any reason, any Service Provider is unable to provide, or alters in any way, the services for which you have contracted, your remedy lies solely with that Service Provider, and not with SIT.In the event SIT receives payment by credit card, you agree that you will not seek to chargeback or recover your payment or any other losses from SIT.Unless otherwise expressly agreed to by SIT in writing, you are responsible for obtainiNg all passports, visas and health information required.Hajj and Umrah Visa. The Consular Section of the Royal Embassy of Saudi Arabia in Washington D.C. (and the NY consulate by extension) has announced rules and regulations surrounding a Hajj and Umrah visa – please visit their website for official rules and regulations.Furthermore, every individual planning to perform Hajj in 2019 is required to register online with the Hajj Ministry of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia by April 30, 2019. This online registration is separate and independent from the registration on SIT’s website. Failure to properly register online with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia may result in a denial of the Hajj Visa. SIT IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR DENIAL OF YOUR VISA IF YOU FAIL TO MEET THE CONSULAR AND/OR HAJJ MINISTRY REQUIREMENTS – SIT is not responsible in the event of the same issue for an Umrah visa either. Please refer to Section 9 of these Terms & Conditions for SIT’s cancellation policy. For further information on hajj visa requirements, visit: www.saudiembassy.net/services/hajj_requirements.aspx. As of 2016, the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has announced an increase in the Hajj and Umrah visa fee of up to $500, subject to change at the Ministry’s discretion. SIT is not responsible for estimating the visa fee and you agree to pay the amount due once your visa application has been processed.Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Value Added Tax (VAT) Policy. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) has announced a Value Added Tax (VAT) applicable to almost all supplies of goods or services effective January 1, 2018. The VAT is collected by the Vendors and payable to the General Authority of Zakat and Tax of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (GAZT). The exact amount of the VAT will be decided by the GAZT. THE VAT IS IN ADDITION TO THE PACKAGE PRICE AND WILL BE DUE AND PAYABLE BY YOU AT THE TIME OF PAYMENT.

2. Use of the SIT Website. The Website is provided solely to assist customers in gathering travel information, determining the availability of travel-related goods and services, making legitimate reservations, and for no other purpose, and is offered to you conditioned upon your acceptance without modification of these Terms & Conditions.Furthermore, as a condition of your use of the Website, you warrant that (i) you are at least 18 years of age; (ii) you possess the legal authority to create a binding legal obligation on behalf of yourself and any other travelers you have included in y our booking; (iii) you will use the Website in accordance with this Agreement; (iv) you will only use the Website to make legitimate reservations or bookings for you or for another person for whom you are legally authorized to act; (v) you will inform such other persons about these Terms & Conditions that apply to the reservations you have made on their behalf, including all rules and restrictions applicable thereto and will provide a copy of these Terms & Conditions to such other persons, which is binding upon them; (vi) all information supplied by you on the Website is true, accurate, current and complete, and (vii) if you have a SIT account, you will safeguard your account information and will supervise and be completely responsible for any use of your account by you and anyone other than you. We retain the right in our sole discretion to deny access to anyone to the Website and the services we offer, at any time and for any reason, including, but not limited to, for violation of this Agreement.No Copy, Distribution, or Sale. You may download, display, or print one (1) copy of any portion of the content displayed on the Website (the “Content”). If you do so, you may not modify the Content in any way, and you must reproduce the SIT copyright notice (or the Service Provider’s notice, as applicable) in the form: “© 2019 Sara International Travel – All Rights Reserved” as displayed on the relevant page(s) that you might copy. Except as provided herein, you may not:• Copy, reproduce, upload, post, display, republish, distribute or transmit, any part of the Content in any form whatsoever;• Use a frame or border environment around the Website, or other framing technique to enclose any portion or aspect of the Website, or mirror or replicate any portion of the Website;• Modify, translate into any language or computer language, or create derivative works from, any Content or any part of the Website;• Reverse engineer any part of the Website; or• Sell, offer for sale, transfer, or license any portion of the Website in any form to any third parties.Other Limitations. Unless otherwise provided within these Terms & Conditions, or unless specific applicable law requires SIT to allow you to do so, you may not do any of the following without the prior written consent of SIT:• Use the Website to make any false, fraudulent or speculative reservation, or any reservation in anticipation of demand;• Imply in any fashion that SIT is endorsing your products or services;• Place false or misleading information on the Website;• Post or transmit any unlawful, threatening, libelous, defamatory, obscene, indecent, inflammatory, pornographic or profane material or any material that could constitute or encourage conduct that would be considered a criminal offense, give rise to civil liability, or otherwise violate any law; or for any other purpose that is unlawful or prohibited by these Terms & Conditions;• Use or access the Website in any way that, in our reasonable judgment, adversely affects the performance or function of the Website, or any other computer systems or networks used by SIT, other Website users or members;• Upload or transmit to the Website or use any device, software or routine that contains viruses, Trojan horses, worms, time bombs, or other computer programming routines that may damage, interfere, attempt to interfere with or intercept, the normal operation of our Website, or appropriate the Website or any system, or take any action that imposes an unreasonable load on our computer equipment, or that infringes upon the rights of a third party;• Use any device, software, or routine that interferes, or attempts to interfere, with the normal operation of our site, or take any action that imposes an unreasonable load on our equipment; or• Disguise the origin of the information transmitted through the Website.You represent and warrant that all information you supply to us about yourself and others, including email addresses, is true, valid and accurate, and that you have the right to supply us with such information.Termination. SIT, in its sole discretion, may, at any time and without advance notice or liability, terminate or restrict your access to all or any component of our Website, even if access continues to be allowed to others. Upon such termination or suspension, you must immediately discontinue use of the Website, and destroy any copy you have made of any portion of the Website. Accessing the Website after such termination, suspension, or discontinuation shall constitute an act of trespass. SIT shall not be responsible to you for such suspension or termination.SIT may also, at any time, charge or impose fees for certain services, or establish or change general practices and limits concerning certain services.

3. Privacy and Security. Your use of the Website is subject to our Privacy Policy. You agree that you have read our Privacy Policy, and it is reasonable and acceptable to you. Your acceptance of these Terms & Conditions is also your consent to the information practices in our Privacy Policy. You consent to our processing and sharing of personal information about you and other members of your party that you have provided to us in accordance with the terms of and for the purposes set forth in our Privacy Policy. Non-personal information you send or communicate to us, such as questions, comments or inquiries, will be not considered personal information and therefore will not be subject to our Privacy Policy. Accordingly, SIT may use any such non-personal information you supply to us, which may include, but is not limited to, any inventions, ideas, concepts or know-how, without restriction or liability.

4. Disclaimer. SIT does not warrant or represent that the content of the SIT Website or other promotional material is accurate, up-to-date or complete, nor that it does not infringe the rights of others. SIT is providing the Website, the promotional material and its contents on an “as is” basis. SIT makes no representations or warranties of any kind with respect to the Website, the promotional material, its contents or any of the products or services supplied by SIT . You agree that no supplement, amendment, or modification to the packages described on the website or other promotional material shall be binding unless it is in writing and signed by all parties. You agree that you have not relied upon any oral representation in the selection or purchase of any SIT tour packages, and have relied solely upon your own research and findings and the written promises and agreements contained herein. To the maximum extent permitted by law, SIT disclaims all implied representations and warranties including, without limitation, implied warranties that SIT products and services offered will be of merchantable quality, fit for any purpose or will comply with any descriptions on the SIT Website or promotional material. To the extent permitted by law, you release SIT from all liability, cost, damages, claims and expenses (including direct, indirect, special and consequential loss or damage whether in negligence or otherwise) arising out of the supply or failure to supply or use or non-use of the third-party products or services or any other act or omission of a Service Provider.SIT does not represent or warrant that the Website, the server that makes it available or any SIT products or services supplied through the Website will be free of errors, viruses or defects. Your access and use of the Website is subject to factors beyond SIT’s control. SIT does not warrant that the Website or the products and services offered via the Website will meet your requirements or that the service will be uninterrupted or timely. SIT will use its best endeavors to make the Website secure and has implemented technology for this purpose. However, because of the nature of the internet, SIT does not warrant that the Website will be secure. To the maximum extent permitted by law, neither SIT nor any of our officers, employees, shareholders or other representatives will be liable in damages or otherwise in connection with your use of or inability to access the Website or the purchase and use of any products and services supplied via the Website or any breach of any warranties that may be implied by law. This limitation of liability applies to all damages of any kind, including compensatory, direct, indirect or consequential damages, loss of data, income or profit, loss of or damage to property, personal injury and claims of third parties. In the event that the Website fails to operate or causes you loss or damage, you agree that your sole remedy is the refund of any money that you paid to SIT to use the Website.If applicable, hotel ratings stated on the SIT Website or promotional material (including, without limitation, photographs, lists of hotel amenities, descriptions of property, etc.) are provided by the respective Service Providers. These hotel ratings are general guidelines and SIT cannot guarantee their accuracy. The promotional material is to be used as a general guide and the ratings and hotel information may be amended periodically by the respective Service Providers. Please be advised that during the peak Hajj and Umrah season the Service Providers accommodate a large number of pilgrims and consequently the quality of service indicated by their respective ratings may suffer. SIT does not guarantee or make any representations as to the quality of services provided by Service Providers.All Service Providers are independent contractors, not SIT affiliates or agents. SIT is not liable for the actions, omissions, errors, representations, warranties, negligence, breach of contract, personal injuries, death, property damage, delays, or any other damages or expenses resulting from Service Providers. SIT has no liability and will not refund due to delay, cancellation, overbooking, strike, force majeure, terrorism, and any other causes that are beyond SIT’s direct control or from any loss or damage resulting from improper passport, visas or other documents. SIT has no control and is not responsible for any additional expenses, delays, omissions, re-routing, or acts of interference by any government or legal authorities, including but not limited to, government changes in the dates of the Islamic (‘Hijri’) calendar. You explicitly understand that the Islamic (‘Hijri’) Calendar may change relative to the Gregorian calendar, which may affect your hotel, flight, and other travel accommodations, and do not hold SIT or any of its representatives liable for any such change(s), or any impact that such change(s) may have upon your pilgrimage or its rituals.The information, software, products, and services provided by us or our suppliers or published on the Website may include inaccuracies or errors, including pricing errors. We do not guarantee the accuracy of and disclaim all liability for any errors or other inaccuracies relating to such information that appears on the Website. We expressly reserve the right to correct any pricing errors on the Website and/or on pending reservations made under an incorrect price. In such event, if available, we will offer you the opportunity to keep your pending reservation at the correct price or we will cancel your reservation without penalty.SIT is not responsible for any traveler(s) missing any part of their package due to no fault of SIT, including but not limited to, the traveler(s) selecting flights that occur outside the published package and tour dates. In such event(s), the traveler (s) shall be responsible for any additional expenses incurred for the traveler(s) to rejoin the tour. SIT will not make any changes after departure and will not redeem any part of the payment for any services rendered unutilized.SIT is not responsible for any traveler(s) preference of performing religious rituals according to specific interpretations; all religious rituals shall be performed under the guidance set forth by the Ministry of Hajj and Umrah of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.Shipping and Handling of Documents. SIT will use USPS, DHL, FedEx or UPS to return your documents unless you send SIT a pre-paid completed label for the courier of your choice to use for the return of your documents. SIT is not responsible for any delays, loss or damages resulting from the return of your documents by USPS, DHL, FedEx, UPS, or any other courier services. SIT strongly recommends that you purchase insurance for all documents sent via courier. If you would like to purchase insurance for all shipping of documents, you must inform SIT at the time you register for your package and you will be billed accordingly.

5. Safety. Please be aware that during your participation in packages operated by SIT, certain risks and dangers may arise beyond our control, including but not limited to: the hazards of traveling in undeveloped areas; travel by boat, train, automobile, aircraft, or other means of transportation; forces of nature; political unrest; acts of lawlessness or terrorism; and accident or illness in remote regions without means of rapid evacuation or medical facilities. SARA INTERNATIONAL TRAVEL will not have liability regarding access to or provision of medical care or the adequacy of any care that may be rendered, or for any losses, damage, death, injuries, or claims whatsoever arising from, or connected with, your SIT package. While SIT will use its best efforts to ensure adequate measures are taken, by agreeing to participate in a package and/or optional excursions, you agree that you will hold SIT harmless regarding any access to or provision of medical care or the adequacy of any care rendered.

6. Fitness and Health. Please be aware that during your participation in packages operated by SIT, certain aspects of the tour package will be physically demanding and require a certain level of physical fitness to be able to fully participate. You agree and warrant that you are physically and mentally fit (including, but not limited to, being able to walk up to three miles in the desert heat, tolerate temperatures of up to and exceeding 130°F, tolerate significant air pollution, utilize facilities that are non-compliant with the American with Disabilities Act of 1990) to travel and participate in the packages operated by SIT, and that it is your responsibility to research all package destination(s), and the included activities, to determine whether you are physically and mentally fit and able enough to participate at the level required by the tour. You further certify that you have no physical, mental, medical and/or emotional condition that would endanger yourself, other SIT customers (sometimes hereinafter referred to as “Guest(s)”), and/or any other individuals. You hold harmless SIT and agree that SIT shall have no liability regarding any portion of the tour that you are unable to participate in due to your health and/or fitness level. SIT reserves the right to refuse service, passage, disembark or confine any Guest whose physical or mental condition, or behavior would be considered, in the sole opinion of SIT, to constitute a risk to your own well-being or that of any other Guest or staff member. If you are denied service, passage, disembarked, or confined pursuant to the terms contained herein, you agree that SIT will not be liable for any refund, other compensation or damages, and that disembarkation will be at your sole expense, and that you will indemnify SIT and that SIT may charge your account for any expenses incurred by SIT in relation to your disembarkation.

7. Insurance. SIT highly recommends that you purchase third party insurance to provide adequate coverage for medical expenses, personal accident, loss of baggage and curtailment or cancellation of trip. If needed, individuals are responsible to finance on-the-spot medical treatment and other contingencies, and then to reclaim this from their own insurance. You will be required to provide documentation to the insurance company to facilitate a claim. Please note that there are exclusions to coverage of insurance. Insurance has to be purchased and paid for in full as soon as the booking is made to become effective.To the extent permitted by law, you release SIT from all liability, cost, damages, claims and expenses (including direct, indirect, special and consequential loss or damage whether in negligence or otherwise) arising out of any loss of baggage.

8. Reservation/Deposits/Fees. SIT accepts payment by checks, money order, or wire transfer. Your payment is not deemed made until received by SIT. We may accept credit card with a processing fee.For Hajj packages: Deposit Amount: $2500Balance of Full Payment: varies dependent on specific package selected.For bookings made prior February 5, 2019, Deposit is due within one week of booking, Initial Payment is due by February5, 2019 and Final Payment is due by April 15, 2019.For bookings made between February 5, 2018 and April 15, 2018, Deposit plus Initial Payment are due immediately upon booking and Final Payment is due by April 15, 2018.For bookings made on April 15, 2018 and onwards, after immediate deposit and initial payment, full Payment is due immediately in Ramadan 2019. For all other travel (including Umrah travel):Deposit Amount: 25% of full package price due 120 days prior to departure.Initial Payment Amount: Next 25% of full package price due 90 days prior to departure. Balance: 50% of full package price due 60 days prior to departure.Your booking is not confirmed until your registration/application is approved by SIT in its sole discretion, the Deposit is received by SIT, and you receive written confirmation of your booking from SIT. Your reservation may be automatically canceled if payments are not received by SIT by the applicable deadlines above. Special conditions may apply to the prices set forth on the Website. To determine such conditions, you must contact SIT or the relevant Service Provider. Please review and verify your booking invoice thoroughly and contact your travel agent or SIT immediately if your invoice appears to be incorrect or incomplete, as it may not be possible to make changes later. Payment of a deposit enables us to hold a reservation for you but does not guarantee price. All fees imposed by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, including Hajj and Umrah fees or related to the ritual animal sacrifice, are separately charged and not included in any package or programs.Please be advised that SIT reserves the right to reject/refuse any application for any reason at any time prior to departure.

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166 W Old Country Rd, Hicksville, NY 11801

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